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Pembangunan Embung Cipayung Diproyeksi Atasi Genangan di 2 RW
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Cipayung Artificial Lake is Projected to Overcome Inundation in Two RWs

The development of Cipayung Embung (artificial lake), East Jakarta is projected to be able to overcome inundation in RW 03 and 06, Cipayung Urban Village.

It is being carried out to minimize inundation in RW 03 and 06, Cipayung Urban Village

East Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head, Wawan Kurniawan said the Embung will be used as a reservoir for water from the micro-channels of residents' residentials before it is channeled to Sunter River. Nevertheless, his party is working hard to complete it before the rainy season comes.

"It is being carried out to minimize inundation in RW 03 and 06, Cipayung Urban Village," he expressed, Friday (6/2).

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As the initial stage, his party focused on working on the wet track section by deploying two heavy equipment.

"Currently, the depth of excavation for the new wet track is more than one meter. According to the plan, the Embung will have a depth of between four and five meters," he explained.

He added it is targeted to be operated by the end of this year. However, he is trying to make the existence of the reservoir operational before the rainy season comes.

"Overall, the progress of work is about 20 percent," he stated.

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